Empty Set Dollar
Empty Set Dollar (ESD) is a stablecoin and a reserve currency of DeFi. Managed by oracles with new protocol mechanics to overcome the disadvantages of other rebasing tokens.
News about Empty Set Dollar
20 Nov 2020, 19:24
RT @DeBankDeFi: - The #174th DeFi listed on DeBank: EmptySet Dollar
- Stablecoin ranking integrated
- TVL, mint stats integrated
RT @DeBankDeFi: - The #174th DeFi listed on DeBank: EmptySet Dollar. - Stablecoin ranking integrated.RT @DeBankDeFi: - The #174th DeFi listed on DeBank: EmptySet Dollar
- Stablecoin ranking integrated
- TVL, mint stats integrated
16 Nov 2020, 19:11
RT @_wilbur4ce_: When ø under-pegged, $26 million of exotics were issued, today all fully exercised ITM
peak sci-finance https://t.co/31PH…
RT @_wilbur4ce_: When ø under-pegged, $26 million of exotics were issued, today all fully exercised ITM. peak sci-finance.RT @_wilbur4ce_: When ø under-pegged, $26 million of exotics were issued, today all fully exercised ITM
peak sci-finance https://t.co/31PH…
14 Nov 2020, 22:45
RT @delitzer: A very thoughtful proposal for ESD from @scott_lew_is and @will__price. Definitely worth considering.
My fund has a position…
RT @delitzer: A very thoughtful proposal for ESD from @scott_lew_is and @will__price. Definitely worth considering.RT @delitzer: A very thoughtful proposal for ESD from @scott_lew_is and @will__price. Definitely worth considering.
My fund has a position…
13 Nov 2020, 22:08
RT @eqparenthesis: With ESD, our goal was simply to create the best stablecoin.
We knew it wouldn't be perfect on the first try, it was mo…
RT @eqparenthesis: With ESD, our goal was simply to create the best stablecoin.RT @eqparenthesis: With ESD, our goal was simply to create the best stablecoin.
We knew it wouldn't be perfect on the first try, it was mo…
13 Nov 2020, 19:45
RT @scott_lew_is: A vision for upgrading Empty Set Dollar from @will__price and I.
It moves the DAO further down the path of being a Dece…
RT @scott_lew_is: A vision for upgrading Empty Set Dollar from @will__price and I.RT @scott_lew_is: A vision for upgrading Empty Set Dollar from @will__price and I.
It moves the DAO further down the path of being a Dece…
11 Nov 2020, 17:00
🗳️ proposal #9 is open for voting:
ℹ️ discussion:
📜 details and code:
proposal #9 is open for voting:. discussion:. details and code:.🗳️ proposal #9 is open for voting: https://t.co/7dnE9E8vTL
ℹ️ discussion: https://t.co/pe2RXiDDpR
📜 details and code: https://t.co/c7H1Ym9T0l
03 Nov 2020, 21:51
RT @zapper_fi: 10/ For @emptysetsquad, you can do the following on Zapper:
⚡️View $ESD balance in wallet
⚡️View staged ESD balance
⚡️View b…
RT @zapper_fi: 10/ For @emptysetsquad, you can do the following on Zapper:. ️View $ESD balance in wallet.RT @zapper_fi: 10/ For @emptysetsquad, you can do the following on Zapper:
⚡️View $ESD balance in wallet
⚡️View staged ESD balance
⚡️View b…
03 Nov 2020, 05:52
RT @kermankohli: Welcome to the party.
RT @kermankohli: Welcome to the party.RT @kermankohli: Welcome to the party.
01 Nov 2020, 22:42
RT @jx_block: 1.ESD(Empty Set Dollar) has recently gained some traction for its delicated design comparing to previous elastic supply stabl…
RT @jx_block: 1.RT @jx_block: 1.ESD(Empty Set Dollar) has recently gained some traction for its delicated design comparing to previous elastic supply stabl…
01 Nov 2020, 00:53
🗳️ proposal #8 is open for voting:
ℹ️ details and discussion:
📜 code:
proposal #8 is open for voting:. details and discussion:. code:.🗳️ proposal #8 is open for voting: https://t.co/NyZUa1pPSZ
ℹ️ details and discussion: https://t.co/fCBAtJzI99
📜 code: https://t.co/kmykqX5kpF
30 Oct 2020, 17:26
RT @s_o_ligo: The Empty Set Dollar: Premium Superfluid Collateral
RT @s_o_ligo: The Empty Set Dollar: Premium Superfluid Collateral.RT @s_o_ligo: The Empty Set Dollar: Premium Superfluid Collateral https://t.co/aNdX4MY2Yd
28 Oct 2020, 23:58
RT @scott_lew_is: empty set dollar.
what is it?
Empty Set Dollar DAO is a Decentralized Reserve Bank. and $ESD is the currency it manages…
RT @scott_lew_is: empty set dollar. what is it. Empty Set Dollar DAO is a Decentralized Reserve Bank.RT @scott_lew_is: empty set dollar.
what is it?
Empty Set Dollar DAO is a Decentralized Reserve Bank. and $ESD is the currency it manages…
25 Oct 2020, 21:39
🗳️ proposal #7 is open for voting:
ℹ️ details and code:
proposal #7 is open for voting:. details and code:.🗳️ proposal #7 is open for voting: https://t.co/xnUpMnUvZo
ℹ️ details and code: https://t.co/xzMsavBGrx
19 Oct 2020, 17:55
Excellent deep dive into how ESD works in comparison to other algorithmic stablecoins.
I've always been interested fiat analogs in the DLT space. Recently, I've been playing around with $ESD, a new stables protocol from @emptysetsquad, which seems to hit all the right notes.
Here are my thoughts on it:
Excellent deep dive into how ESD works in comparison to other algorithmic stablecoins.Excellent deep dive into how ESD works in comparison to other algorithmic stablecoins. https://t.co/gqouGNksrB
I've always been interested fiat analogs in the DLT space. Recently, I've been playing around with $ESD, a new stables protocol from @emptysetsquad, which seems to hit all the right notes.
Here are my thoughts on it:
06 Oct 2020, 16:00
🗳️ proposal #3 is open for voting:
ℹ️ details and code:
proposal #3 is open for voting:. details and code:.🗳️ proposal #3 is open for voting: https://t.co/e78jiR1Emk
ℹ️ details and code: https://t.co/DwEfAjrdJd
05 Oct 2020, 17:59
RT @yieldfarm: cool experiment on stablecoins @emptysetsquad
RT @yieldfarm: cool experiment on stablecoins @emptysetsquad.RT @yieldfarm: cool experiment on stablecoins @emptysetsquad
01 Oct 2020, 16:00
🗳️ proposal #2 is open for voting:
ℹ️ source details and code:
proposal #2 is open for voting:. source details and code:.🗳️ proposal #2 is open for voting: https://t.co/WDlax4JSbT
ℹ️ source details and code: https://t.co/Pgx6UD7AQH
24 Sep 2020, 00:47
🥳 epoch #91 has just been reached, marking the completion of the bootstrapping process.
⚖️ going forward supply regulation will be controlled by ESD's @UniswapProtocol TWAP price oracle.
epoch #91 has just been reached, marking the completion of the bootstrapping process.🥳 epoch #91 has just been reached, marking the completion of the bootstrapping process.
⚖️ going forward supply regulation will be controlled by ESD's @UniswapProtocol TWAP price oracle. https://t.co/xQ5UmLvVif
20 Sep 2020, 21:41
🗳️ proposal #1 is open for voting:
ℹ️ details and code:
proposal #1 is open for voting:. details and code:.🗳️ proposal #1 is open for voting: https://t.co/atjr8y1N43
ℹ️ details and code:
15 Sep 2020, 17:38
Bootstrapping ESD by @anshula201:
Bootstrapping ESD by @anshula201:.Bootstrapping ESD by @anshula201: https://t.co/EfNRdKFfkW
14 Sep 2020, 23:50
🔗 now links directly to the latest IPFS build.
now links directly to the latest IPFS build.🔗 https://t.co/b6RpilAqu9 now links directly to the latest IPFS build.
12 Sep 2020, 01:38
RT @anshula201: {ess} — A brief intro towards novel elastic stablecoin implementation
RT @anshula201: {ess} — A brief intro towards novel elastic stablecoin implementation. @emptysetsquad.RT @anshula201: {ess} — A brief intro towards novel elastic stablecoin implementation https://t.co/FIISu0UjOp
12 Sep 2020, 00:57
RT @danielque: @haydenzadams @AugurProject @compoundfinance @BasedProtocol @emptysetsquad and @DollarProtocol (mentioned in these articles:…
RT @danielque: @haydenzadams @AugurProject @compoundfinance @BasedProtocol @emptysetsquad and @DollarProtocol (mentioned in thesRT @danielque: @haydenzadams @AugurProject @compoundfinance @BasedProtocol @emptysetsquad and @DollarProtocol (mentioned in these articles:…
09 Sep 2020, 22:26
excellent guide by @anshula201 on getting started with ESD.
I just published {ess} — The elastic stablecoin. A guide to bonding to earn ESDs
excellent guide by @anshula201 on getting started with ESD. I just published {ess} — The elastic stablecoin.excellent guide by @anshula201 on getting started with ESD. https://t.co/NXVXvTH4xP
I just published {ess} — The elastic stablecoin. A guide to bonding to earn ESDs https://t.co/iUPbzUr5v8
07 Sep 2020, 21:11
join the discussion on discord ✨
join the discussion on discord.join the discussion on discord ✨
31 Aug 2020, 16:16
introducing døllar and the {ess}.
introducing døllar and the {ess}.introducing døllar and the {ess}.
31 Aug 2020, 05:26
døllar dashboard can now be accessed via IPFS.
døllar dashboard can now be accessed via IPFS.døllar dashboard can now be accessed via IPFS.
30 Aug 2020, 07:29
RT @eqparenthesis: døllar is a fully decentralized elastic-supply stablecoin.
RT @eqparenthesis: døllar is a fully decentralized elastic-supply stablecoin.RT @eqparenthesis: døllar is a fully decentralized elastic-supply stablecoin.
1/3 https://t.co/VoA712V4LM
24 Aug 2020, 02:34